I am a stay at home mom who homeschools a 5 year old and has an 23 month old. My husband is a youth pastor at the church we have been attending for the last 9 years. We live a pretty simple life with a whole lot of craziness along the way.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sick Days

So, we have been having issues with Jacob not feeling well and double ear infection. That was before Christmas, today I brought him back because he is just not himself still. Coughing and still no sleep, ugh! So, we find out he has RSV and ear infections/ fluid behide the ears. Boy, I can't wait until this is over. Because of a major lack of sleep the past 2-3 weeks, I am now sick. I think just a minor cold, but still feel pretty crummy, which doesn't help with a sick one to take care of.
Well, hopefully tonight is better. Don't think we will see church this weekend. Back for a check-up on the RSV on Tuesday...

Praying that God will heal him fully and that we can all get some better sleep.


  1. I will pray for that cute little guy too. I hope yall all feel better soon.

  2. sick days are no fun especially when you have to take care of others. i will be praying for yall.

  3. oh geez! rsv is popping up all over the place this year =( hope you ALL feel better soon! Let me know if you need anything...
