I am a stay at home mom who homeschools a 5 year old and has an 23 month old. My husband is a youth pastor at the church we have been attending for the last 9 years. We live a pretty simple life with a whole lot of craziness along the way.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wow! It's been a really long time since I posted last. Well, today I started a walk to run program and I have to say my calves were hurting during the jogging time! I had to alternate 60 sec of jogging with 90 sec of walking for 20 min. I am really looking forward to this, I never really ran, but am hopeful to just be in better shape. Please pray for me that I keep this up. Also, I started attending a ladies group study through my church and I see that all of us are there for a reason. We all are having the same struggles it seems and I think we are going to get more from this than first expected. I hope everyone is having a good beginning of the year and that the rest of the year only gets better! I hope to at least post when I walk to update, let's see if this works...